毕业学校:Texas A&M University (美国)
2022至今 开云网页版登录入口教授
2017-2022 开云网页版登录入口副教授
2014-2015 美国哈佛大学访问学者
2014-2016 开云网页版登录入口讲师
2011-2013 开云网页版登录入口师资博士后
Child language and literacy development;
Second language acquisition (SLA);
Bilingual education and bilingualism;
EFL teacher professional development;
Spring 2023: 学术写作 (20英语); 语言习得(19英语);交替传译(22翻硕)
Fall 2022: 外语教学理论与实践 (22级英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学研究生); 学术规范与论文写作(22级外院研究生)
Spring 2022: 学术写作 (19英语); 语言习得(20英语)
Spring 2018: 外语教学理论与实践(17级英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学研究生); 英语口译II(15英语专必);
Fall 2017: 现代语言学(17级英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学研究生)
Fall 2016: 英语口译I (14英语专必); 英语口译基础II(14辅修专必)
Spring 2016: 英语口译基础I (14辅修专必);综合英语 III (14辅修专必)
Fall 2015: : 英语口译I (13英语专必); 英语口译基础II(13辅修专必)
Spring 2014: 语言学概论(与常晨光教授合上;12英语专必)
Fall 2013: 英语口译I (11英语专必); 英语口译基础II(10辅修专必) ;英语写作 (10辅修专必)
Spring 2013:英语口译II(10英语专必);英语口译基础I (10辅修专必) ;语言学概论(与常晨光教授合上;11英语专必)
Fall 2012: 外国文化 I (12英语专必);英语口译I (10英语专必); 英语口译基础II(09辅修专必)
Spring 2012:英语口译基础I (09辅修专必)
Fall 2011:英语写作 (08辅修专必); 第一外国语(英语) (11日法德俄硕士博士研究生)
2014 广东省高等学校“千百十工程”校级培养对象
2010 George W. Kunze Prize, Office of Graduate Studies, Texas A&M University
2010 Dissertation Research Grant, Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, Texas A&M University
2009 George Bush International Travel Grant, George Bush Presidential Library Foundation
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Lai, J., Ji, X. R., Joshi, R. M., & Zhao, J. (corresponding author) (2022). Investigating parental beliefs and home literacy environment on Chinese kindergarteners’ English literacy and language skills. Early Childhood Education Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-022-01413-3 (SSCI)
Yin, L., Lai, J., Zhang, S., Bao, C., & Zhao, J. (corresponding author). (2022). Early reading skills in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-022-10300-7 (SSCI; Q2)
Zhao, J., Zhu, M., De Ruiter, L., & Chen, S. (2022). Linguistic indicators for text complexity in picture books for young Chinese children learning English as a Foreign Language. Frontiers in Education. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.758736
Zhao, J., Gao, Z., Lai, J., & Joshi, R. M. (2021). The relationship between autism traits and listening comprehension among Chinese preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-021-10216-8 (SSCI; Q2)
Zhao, J., Luo, H., Zhou, Y., Zhong, L., & Lai, J. (2021). Immediate effect of dialogic reading on interactive quality of book sharing among Chinese preschool mother–child dyads. Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, 5(3), 173-184. https://doi.org/10.1177/25138502211029042
Chen, S., Zhao, J. (corresponding author), De Ruiter, L., Zhou, J., & Huang, J. (2020). A burden or a boost: The impact of early childhood English learning experience on lower elementary English and Chinese achievement. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 25(4), 1212-1229. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2020.1749230 (SSCI; Q1)
Zhao, J., Chen, S., Tong, X., & Yi, L. (2019). Advantage in character recognition among Chinese preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(12), 4929-4940 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-04202-x (SSCI; Q1)
Zhao, J., Joshi, R. M., Dixon, L. Q., & Chen, S. (2017). Contribution of phonological, morphological and orthographic awareness to English word spelling: A comparison of EL1 and EFL models. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, 185-194. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.01.007 (SSCI; Q1)
Zhao, J., Dixon, L.Q., Quiroz, B., & Chen, S. (2017). The relationship between vocabulary and word reading among Head Start Spanish-English bilingual children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 45(1), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-015-0764-8 (SSCI)
Zhao, J., Quiroz, B., Dixon, L. Q., & Joshi, R. M. (2016). Comparing bilingual to monolingual learners on English spelling: A meta-analytic review. Dyslexia, 22, 193-213. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1530 (SSCI)
Zhao, J., Joshi, R.M., Dixon, L. Q., & Huang, L. (2016). Chinese EFL teachers’ knowledge of basic language constructs and their self-perceived teaching abilities. Annals of Dyslexia, 66(1), 127-146. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11881-015-0110-2 (SSCI)
Yi, L., Fan, Y., Zhao, J., Huang, D., Li, Y., & Zou, X. (2013). Atypical understanding of mental terms in Chinese-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(11), 1411-1417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2013.08.009 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q., Zhao, J., Shin, J.-Y., Wu, S., Su, J. S., Burgess-Brigham, R., Gezer, M. U., & Snow, C. E. (2012). What we know about second language acquisition: A synthesis from four perspectives. Review of Educational Research, 82(1), 5-60. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654311433587 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q., Zhao, J., Quiroz, B., & Shin, J.-Y. (2012). Home and community factors influencing bilingual children’s ethnic language vocabulary development. International Journal of Bilingualism, 16(4), 541-565. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006911429527 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q., Zhao, J., & Joshi, R. M. (2012). One dress, two dress: Dialectal influence on spelling of English words among kindergarten children in Singapore. System, 40(2), 214-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2012.02.003 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q., Zhao, J., & Joshi, R. M. (2010). Influence of L1 orthography on spelling English words by bilingual children: A natural experiment comparing syllabic, phonological, and morphosyllabic first languages. Learning Disability Quarterly, 33(3), 211-221. https://doi.org/10.1177/073194871003300309 (SSCI)
Quiroz, B., Snow, C. E., & Zhao, J. (2010). Vocabulary skills of Spanish—English bilinguals: Impact of mother-child language interactions and home language and literacy support. International Journal of Bilingualism, 14(4), 379-399. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006910370919 (SSCI)
黄丽燕, 赵静(通讯作者), 陈心怡. (2016). 英语教师的基本语言知识结构要素及其预测能力研究. 外语教学与研究 (CSSCI一类A核心期刊) 48(4): 425-436.
Books and Book Chapters
Zhao, J., & Dixon, L.Q. (2017) (Eds.). English-Medium Instruction in Chinese Universities: Perspectives, Discourse and Evaluation. New York, NY: Routledge.
Dixon, L.Q., & Zhao, J. (2016). Bilingual language development. In Jean Berko Gleason & Nan Bernstein Ratner (Eds.) The Development of Language (9th Edition) (pp. 285-307). New York, NY: Pearson.
Book Reviews and Translation
Zhao, J. (2016). A review of “Intercultural contact, language learning and migration”. Language and Education, 30(3), 286-288. doi:10.1080/09500782.2015.1115058 (A&HCI; SSCI)
Zhao, J. (2012). A review of “Spelling and society: The culture and politics of orthography around the world”. Asia EFL Journal, 14(2), 157-159.
Zhao, J. (2010). A review of “Modern languages in the primary school”. Language and Education, 6, 542-545. (A&HCI; SSCI)
Zhao, J., & Dai, F. (2014). Lingnan Foundation: Long-lasting Influence in Education――The 30th Anniversary of Cooperation between Sun Yat-sen University and Lingnan Foundation (1980—2010). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
科研项目 Research Grants:
2021国家社科基金中华学术外译项目: 《平民教育与乡村建设运动》
2020教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目: 孤独症谱系障碍儿童读写能力分型与阅读早慧形成机制研究
2018高校基本科研业务费青年教师重点培育项目: 中国儿童早期英汉双语阅读干预的有效性研究
2013国家社科基金青年项目: 自闭症儿童早期读写能力发展及家庭读写环境影响因素研究
2014 Strengthening Europeans' Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network (ELN) (non-EU expert; PI: Rui Alves)
Funded by European Cooperation in Science and Technology
- Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 副主编 https://www.springer.com/journal/11145
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly 编委 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/early-childhood-research-quarterly
- 中国英汉语对比研究会心理语言学专业委员会理事 (2011—present) ---中国心理语言学论坛:http://www.psycholingchina.com/
- Member, Asia TEFL (April, 2008— present)
- Member, American Education Research Association (Feb 2009—present)
- Member, Society of Scientific Study of Reading (Feb 2009-present)
- Member, American Association of Applied Linguistics (Feb 2010—present)